34 research outputs found

    Auditing IT Governance

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    Effective IT governance helps ensure that IT supports business goals, optimizes business investment in IT, and appropriately manages IT-related risks and opportunities. Organizations that realize the IT is no longer a support process and embeds value and risks need a structured approach for better managing Information Technology, enable its capability to deliver added value enterprise wide and for setting up a risk management program to address new risks arising for usage of IT in business processes. In order to assess if IT Governance is in line with industry practices, IT Auditors need a good understanding of processes and applicable standards, particular audit work programs and experience in assessing potential problem indicators.IT Governance, Audit, ISACA, CGEIT, Val IT, Value Governance, Portfolio Management, Investment Management

    Măreția spiritului românesc exprimată prin dragostea de neam și ortodoxie

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    As the birth and growth of a child teaches a parent to respect his neighbor"™s child, so the love of nation and country teaches us to respect other denominations of confession. A form of patriotism is the preservation of the ancestral belief that we have received from the ancestors, even if sometimes we are tempted for material advantage to renounce it. Like any form of the unique love of God, the love of nation and country is a way of uniting the great human race. The participation of the Romanian in the religious life was not only a mechanical function, but a spiritual mission, accepted by an act of faith and an act of continuous will. Orthodox Romanians, in the spirit of Christian love and wisdom, have a duty to live in communion with those of the Risen, but at the same time to have a dialogue with the West to avoid isolation. Those who do otherwise risk losing their own


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    The VIP experiment aims to perform high-precision tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle for electrons in the extremely low cosmic background environment of the Underground Gran Sasso Laboratories of INFN (Italy). The experimental technique consists in introducing a DC current in a copper conductor, searching for K α PEP-forbidden atomic transitions when the K shell is already occupied by two electrons. The results of a preliminary data analysis, corresponding to the first run of the VIP-2 data taking (2016–2017), are presented. The experimental setup in the final configuration is described together with preliminary spectra from the 2019 data-taking campaign


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    The standard scheme of several tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle in bulk matter — both in the experiment and in the subsequent data analysis — has long been based on the seminal paper by E. Ramberg, G.A. Snow [Phys. Lett. B 238, 438 (1990)]. The ideas exposed in that paper are so simple and immediate that they have long gone unchallenged. However, while some of the underlying approximations are still valid, other parts of the article must be reconsidered. Here, we discuss some new concepts that are related to the motion of the electrons in the test metal (the “target” of the experiment) and which have been recently studied in the framework of the VIP-2 Collaboration

    Auditing IT Governance

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    Effective IT governance helps ensure that IT supports business goals, optimizes business investment in IT, and appropriately manages IT-related risks and opportunities. Organizations that realize the IT is no longer a support process and embeds value and risks need a structured approach for better managing Information Technology, enable its capability to deliver added value enterprise wide and for setting up a risk management program to address new risks arising for usage of IT in business processes. In order to assess if IT Governance is in line with industry practices, IT Auditors need a good understanding of processes and applicable standards, particular audit work programs and experience in assessing potential problem indicators

    Assertive, Selective, Scalable IoT-Based Warning System

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    With the evolution of technology, developed systems have become more complex and faster. Thirty years ago, there were no protocols or databases dedicated to developing and implementing IoT projects. We currently have protocols such as MQTT, AMQP, CoAP, and databases such as InfluxDB. They are built to support a multitude of data from an IoT system and scale very well with the system. This paper presents the design and implementation of an IoT alert system that uses MQTT and InfluxDB to collect and store data. We design a scalable system to display assertive alerts on a Raspberry Pi. Each user can select a subset of alerts in our system using a web interface. We present a bibliographic study of SoTA, the proposed architecture, the challenges posed by such a system, a set of tests for the performance and feasibility of the solution, and a set of conclusions and ideas for further developments

    Current and Emerging Approaches for Spine Tumor Treatment

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    Spine tumors represent a significant social and medical problem, affecting the quality of life of thousands of patients and imposing a burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Encompassing a wide range of diseases, spine tumors require prompt multidisciplinary treatment strategies, being mainly approached through chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgical interventions, either alone or in various combinations. However, these conventional tactics exhibit a series of drawbacks (e.g., multidrug resistance, tumor recurrence, systemic adverse effects, invasiveness, formation of large bone defects) which limit their application and efficacy. Therefore, recent research focused on finding better treatment alternatives by utilizing modern technologies to overcome the challenges associated with conventional treatments. In this context, the present paper aims to describe the types of spine tumors and the most common current treatment alternatives, further detailing the recent developments in anticancer nanoformulations, personalized implants, and enhanced surgical techniques